7.23.19On May 21, 2019, the Traveling Exotic Animal and Public Safety Protection Act (TEAPSPA, H.R. 2863) was introduced in Congress. Championed by Animal Defenders International (ADI) and supported by a coalition of animal rights organizationsincluding LCAthe bipartisan bill will ban the use of wild and exotic animals in traveling circuses across the United States, if passed.

More good news: a companion bill to H.R. 2863 has just been introduced in the Senate! Sponsored by Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Senate Bill S2121 also seeks to ban traveling wild animal acts nationwide.

The time has come to end outdated, cruel, and dangerous circus animal acts! Circus animals are counting on you, so please help stop circus suffering by taking action today!



1. Urge your legislators to support TEAPSPA! Send them an email, Facebook post, or tweet and ask them to support this bill. Then, follow up with a call to request a meeting. Once scheduled, let us know and we'll send you a pack with talking points for your meeting. Get involved here: bit.ly/SupportTEAPSPA 

2. Show your support on social media by using the hashtags #FederalCircusBill and #StopCircusSuffering. If you are on Facebook, let others know you support TEAPSPA by uploading ADI's new Facebook frame to your profile pic! Simply click this link and type "Animal Defenders International" into the search boxclick on the pink "Support TEAPSPA" frame, then click "use as profile pic."

Together, we can stop the suffering. Thank you for taking action!


Click here to learn more about circus cruelty.



Photo: LCA