6.18.19Exciting news to share: LCA has been named a 2019 Top-Rated Nonprofit by Great Nonprofitsa review site like Yelp, but for charitable groups and nonprofits. This honor is awarded annually based on ratings and the number of reviews received from donors, volunteers, and others involved in LCA's groundbreaking work.

Thanks to all the reviews LCA has received this year from a wide variety of volunteers and donors, LCA has been recognized for its life-saving efforts to make real change for animals. Here's what some of the reviewers had to say:

"The most effective, no-nonsense campaign-based organization fighting animal cruelty. Chris DeRose is a fearless legend who stands against every cruelty," LauWill, general member of the public.

"This group works so hard to save as many animals as possible. Because of LCA, animals have a voice. LCA is hard at work in S. Korea working to stop the brutal dog and cat meat trade. They are dedicated and devoted to making life better for all living beings. They keep us up to date with their activities via email on a regular basis, and, best of all they are a non profit organisation! Non-profits are the backbone organizations who will fight for animal rights, environmental protection, and so much more. Their interest is solely for their cause and nothing else. We must keep supporting them!" Clarks8, general member of the public.

"This is an incredible charity that truly "walks the talk" & helps animals every opportunity they get," Krisjaxn, general member of the public.

"Last Chance for Animals is a wonderful organization fighting hard for the rights of animals everywhere," Summernole, general member of the public.

"LCA is a wonderful non profit! They are so compassionate and loving for the animals! It is nice to see an organization like this in this crazy world!" —Tammy C F, volunteer.


Click here to read more about what reviewers are saying about LCA!



Photo: GreatNonprofits