LCA has launched a new ad campaign that forces city council members to confront the atrocities of the horse-drawn carriage industry, and urges them to vote for Mayor de Blasio's propsed ban on horse-drawn carriages.  From now until the end of June – or longer, depending on when the council votes on the ban – a billboard from LCA, NYClass and the Greenbaum Foundation will greet each council member as they walk from their office to City Hall.

The billboard (shown above) sits on Broadway, right atop the stairs of City Hall Station, where thousands of people pass by every day. The ad will be changed each month with a new message to underscore the many problems of horse-drawn carriages, including animal cruelty and public safety risk.

This initial ad addresses the hazards the industry poses on horses. By day, the horses face exhaust fumes, traffic congestion, uneven roads and potholes; at night, they’re put away in cramped stables.

At least seven horses have died on the job. And in the past few years alone, more than 30 accidents involving horse-drawn carriages were reported.

Last Chance for Animals strongly backs the mayor’s bill, which will effectively ban the use of horse-drawn carriages in the city.  And we will not rest until we have convinced every city council member of the dangers that these carriages place not only on the animals, but on everyone who walks or drives on the streets of New York City.

To help make sure the New York City carriage ban passes, please sign the petition atBanHorseCarriages.NYC.