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Former Bear Wrestler Sam Mazzola
Dies in Ohio

Exotic animal owner Sam Mazzola, was found dead on Sunday July 10th, 2011 at his World Animals Studios in Columbus Station, Ohio. The cause of death is believed to be asphyxia.

Mazzola is infamously remembered for taking bears out on the road and charging people to wrestle them. Mazzola's bears have caused injury and property damage, he admitted himself in a 2010 bankruptcy filing that his bears pose "a threat of imminent and identifiable harm to the public health or safety." Last year on August 19th, 2010, Brent Kandra, who was trained by Mazzola, was killed by a 400-500 pound bear.

His federal license to exhibit animals was permanently revoked in 2009, and he was fined nearly $14,000 for multiple violations of federal law.

Many animals, including bears, wolves, and big cats, still remain in small barren cages on Mazzola's property.

Please help LCA in asking the Ohio Department of Natural Resources to place these animals in sanctuaries.

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Sam Mazzola

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Person paying to wrestle with a bear

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Campaigns Department
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