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LCA Blog

Blog for Last Chance for Animals, an international non-profit dedicated to ending animal cruelty and exploitation.

Iowa Governor Signs "Freedom-Crushing" Ag-Gag Bill Into Law

3.18.19On Thursday, March 14, Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds signed SF 519 (also known as Ag-Gag 2.0) into law effective immediately, making "agricultural production facility trespass" a crime and allowing for the prosecution of those that use deception or conspire with others in order to gain access to agricultural facilities "with the intent to cause physical or economic harm or other injury to the agricultural production facility's operations, agricultural animals, crop, owner, personnel, equipment, building, premises, business interest, or customer."

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LCA Calls for Closure of Santa Anita Racetrack After 22nd Death

3.15.19LCA is calling for the closure of Santa Anita Park racetrack in Southern California following the death of 3-year-old filly Princess Lili B, who was euthanized on Thursday, March 14, after suffering a serious injury while working out at the track. This marks the 22nd horse to die at the track since the season started in December 2018.

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New York Could Become Third State to Ban the Sale of Puppy Mill Pets

March.14.19Two New York legislators  Sen. Michael Gianaris (D-Queens) and Assemblymember Linda Rosenthal (D-Manhattan) — have introduced legislation that would prohibit the sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits in pet stores across the state. If passed, the bill (S.4234/A.6298) would make New York the third state in the nation  following California and Maryland  to ban the sales of pets from puppy mills and breeders.

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Statewide Fur Ban Passes First Vote in the California Assembly

3.14.19On Tuesday, March 12, California's proposed statewide fur ban the Fur Products Prohibition Act, AB 44 passed its first hearing in the California Assembly's Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee with a vote of 10-4, putting California on track to become the first state in the nation to outlaw fur.

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Los Angeles Animal Services Commission Unanimously Votes in Favor of Rodeo Ban

3.12.19On Tuesday, March 12, the Board of Animal Services Commissioners unanimously approved a motion recommending Mayor Eric Garcetti and the LA City Council to prohibit rodeo events in Los Angeles.

Rodeo-type events like bull riding and calf roping routinely result in horrific injuries for the animals involved, including broken necks, broken limbs, torn ligaments, and even death. Due to the dangerous nature of this "sport", a growing number of California jurisdictions have already prohibited or restricted rodeos: Pasadena, Chino Hills, Laguna Woods, Irvine, San Francisco, and Napa County.

In February of this year, the Professional Bull Riders showcased their exhibition of animal cruelty at the Staples Center in Los Angeles for the first time ever — and LCA was there to protest!

The LA Animal Services Commission's motion will now go before the City Council and — if approved  an ordinance will be drafted, amending the Municipal Code to reflect the recommended changes.


  • SIGN THE PETITION: urge LA City Council to ban rodeos and rodeo-type events in the City of Los Angeles! (CLICK HERE to sign!)
  • IF YOU LIVE IN LOS ANGELES, CA: contact your council members by phone or email and urge them to prohibit the staging of rodeos and rodeo-type events in LA! (CLICK HERE to find your local council member by entering your address or intersection. CLICK HERE for a sample script.)


To learn more about rodeos and rodeo-type events like bull riding please visit 


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In Honor of Sam Simon—A Note from LCA's Founder and President Chris DeRose

Sam Simon and beloved dogFour years ago today, on March 8, 2015, my dear friend Sam Simon passed away at the age of 59. Although he may be gone, Sam's kindness and generous spirit will never be forgotten.

In 2012, Sam (co-creator of The Simpsons television show) was diagnosed with terminal colon cancer and told he only had three to six months left to live. Vowing to make the most of each and every day, Sam immersed himself further in his philanthropic endeavors, including the Sam Simon Foundation, which helps find death-row dogs forever homes and offers a free surgery veterinary clinic to low-income neighborhoods (performing thousands of life-saving surgeries for free every year!), and the Sam Simon Feeding Families Foundation, which helps feed hungry families nutritious, vegan meals.

Sam's generosity was truly boundless. He bought out numerous zoos and circuses in order to free the animals to good sanctuaries and donated to countless animal rights organizations, including LCA.

Sam Simon and Chris DeRose

(Sam Simon, left; Chris DeRose, right)

In 2014, LCA formed the Sam Simon Special Investigations Unit, which conducts undercover investigations of cases of animal cruelty in places like factory farms and slaughterhouses. That very same year, I presented Sam with the Albert Schweitzer Award at LCA's 30th Anniversary Gala. LCA also established the Sam Simon Award, which will be presented annually at every LCA gala to those who show extraordinary compassion for animals.

The Sam Simon Special Investigations Unit has conducted a number of dangerous "deep-cover" missions to expose egregious cases of animal abuse and the evidence collected has sparked hard-hitting campaigns to help make real change for animals.

Without the support of generosity of the late Sam Simon, this would not be possible. 

We all miss you dearly, Sam.

Chris DeRose signature

Chris DeRose

Founder and President

Last Chance for Animals


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LCA & ALW's "Stop the Villain Truck" Campaign Aims to End S. Korea's Dog Meat Trade

3.7.19Filled with fake, stuffed dogs to resemble the real trucks used to transport dogs from farms to slaughterhouses  LCA and S. Korean sister organization Animal Liberation Wave's (ALW) "Stop the Villain Truck" is raising awareness for the barbaric slaughter of dogs in S. Korea's dog meat trade.

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Santa Anita Race Track Closes Indefinitely After 21st Horse Death

3.5.19Following the 21st horse death at Santa Anita Park race track in Southern California, the park closed its track on Tuesday, March 5 and suspended future racing indefinitely in order for experts to conduct "additional extensive testing" of the track's soil.

In total, an alleged 23 horses have died since the start of the meet on December 26, 2018 — two of which park officials have not included in the total death toll due to them being considered "non-racing" deaths. 

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It's National Horse Protection Day—5 Ways LCA Is Helping Horses

horseFor over 35 years, LCA has worked tirelessly to expose animal cruelty and make real change for animals. 

In honor of the 14th Annual National Horse Protection Day (also known as World Horse Day)an observance that raises awareness for the plight of horses around the globehere are five LCA campaigns and investigations that are dedicated to helping horses:

1. LCA Exposes NYC Carriage Horse Cruelty

LCA investigated the New York City carriage horse industry and exposed routine violations of laws and regulations that protect both horses and people. Investigators revealed horses routinely operated in dangerous traffic conditions, were deprived of access to water, and were forced to work while injured. (LEARN MORE)

In a major victory for NYC carriage horses, the Department of Transportation announced carriage horses would finally be moved out of the hectic city streets and into car-free Central Park.


  • NY Residents: CLICK HERE to find your local council member and urge them to ban horse-drawn carriages in NYC.
  • US Residents: CLICK HERE to contact NY Mayor Bill de Blasio and urge him to ban horse-drawn carriages.

2. Horses in Entertainment: Horse Racing

Horses used for racing are routinely drugged and often face horrific injuries including fractures, sprains, and even death. Horse racing is effectively excluded from all anti-cruelty laws and individual states are supposed to regulate the horse racing industry through their own racing commissions. Since the racing commission is a state agency, state prosecutors rarely pursue cruelty cases against it. Moreover, because each state receives revenue from its tracks, states are unlikely to hold the industry accountable. (LEARN MORE)


  • Protest racing tracks in your state and distribute anti-horse racing literature outside of race tracks. 

3. LCA Exposes Cruelty on Premarin Horse Farms

In 2003, LCA exposed the horrendous mistreatment of pregnant mares and foals in the production of the #1 selling hormone replacement therapy drug Premarin (which stands for Pregnant Mare's Urine) and the Premarin family of products, revealing horses were kept continually pregnant in tiny stalls so that their urine could be collected by filthy, bulky tubes attached to their bodies. Premarin horses suffered from a host of health problems including dehydration, hoof injuries, kidney and liver disorders, swollen joints, and even premature death. (LEARN MORE)


  • If you are currently taking Premarin, Prempak-C, or Premphase, ask your doctor about equally effective synthethic or plant-based alternatives.
  • Educate your friends and family about the cruelty of Premarin production and the safe alternatives that are readily available to women.

animals black and white equine 52500

4. LCA Investigates BLM Roundups

In 2010, LCA's Special Investigations Unit traveled to Nevada to investigate and document the roundup of federally-protected wild horses by the Bureau of Land Mangement (BLM). Investigators exposed wild horses being chased by helicopters, resulting in horrific injuries and pure exhaustion for the horses, only to be captured and sent to holding facilities or slaughterhouses. (LEARN MORE)


  • CLICK HERE to find your elected officials' contact information and urge them to stop the BLM's mismanagement of burros and wild horses. 

5. Horses in Entertainment: Rodeos

Horses are routinely used in rodeos and rodeo-type activities like steer wrestling, bronc riding, and horse tripping events. Horses often suffer injuries as a result, including: torn ligaments, broken bones, severed tracheas/spinal cords, internal bleeding, and back problemsjust to name a few. (LEARN MORE)


  • If a rodeo comes to your city, organize/attend a protest and distribute relevant literature.
  • Contact your local legislators and urge them to ban rodeos and rodeo-type activities in your city!



Photo: Unsplash, Pexels

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Many Circuses Are Still Exploiting Animals—Here's How You Can Help!

2.28.19As of late, there have been numerous victories for animals used in circuses: on December 14, 2018, Gov. Phil Murphy signed Nosey's Lawlegislation named after "Nosey", a 36-year-old elephant that made headlines after being rescued from the decades of horrific abuse and neglect she experienced in a traveling circusmaking New Jersey the first state to outlaw the use of wild and exotic animals in traveling acts; and just one week later, on December 21, Hawaii followed suit by becoming the second state to ban wild animal circus acts!

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3 Ways to Help Polar Bears on International Polar Bear Day

2.27.19Observed annually on February 27th, International Polar Bear Day aims to raise awareness for the challenges polar bears commonly face in the wild. Due to the ever-rising global temperatures, International Polar Bear Day also highlights the threat of habitat loss that polar bears are currently facing as a result of global warming.

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LCA's Bull Riding Protest at the Staples Center in Los Angeles Was a Success!

2.25.19On Saturday, February 23, 2019, LCA held a demonstration at the Staples Center in Los Angeles to protest the Professional Bull Riders' (PBR) Unleash the Beast Tour showcasing its exhibition of animal cruelty for their "Iron Cowboy" bull riding competition.

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LCA and ALW Launch "Stop the Villain Truck" Campaign

2.21.19LCA and S. Korean sister organization Animal Liberation Wave (ALW) launched the "Stop the Villain Truck" campaign today in Gwanghwamun Square in Seoul, S. Korea's capital city, to raise awareness for the barbaric slaughter of dogs in S. Korea's dog meat trade ahead of the upcoming session of the country's National Assembly.

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February 26th is World Spay Day!

2.18.19February is Spay/Neuter Awareness Month, and February 26th marks the 25th Annual World Spay Day, an international day of action that draws attention to the importance of spaying and neutering pets for the purpose of reducing the overpopulation of dogs and cats.

Each year, over 6 million companion animals wind up in pet shelters across the nation; the lucky ones are adopted out into loving, forever homes.

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Victory for NYC Carriage Horses: Horse Hack Line to Be Moved into Central Park!

2.15.19On August 30, 2018, the NYC Department of Transportation submitted new draft rules outlining NYC Mayor de Blasio's plan to move the current horse-drawn carriage hack line out of busy traffic and into car-free Central Park. In a major victory for NYC carriage horses, the Department of Transportation has announced this move will finally be taking place!

The hack line move will officially take place once the Department of Transportation installs signage and completes minor construction in Central Park. 

This was a long-awaited victory for carriage horses that LCA has worked tirelessly to achieve as carriage horses are often forced to work nine hours a day, seven days a week in extreme weather conditions, surrounded by blaring horns, noisy construction, and exhaust fumes that are prevalent on New York City's congested city streets.

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February 14 is Pet Theft Awareness Day—Here's How to Keep Your Pets Safe!

2.14.19Founded by LCA in 1988 to raise awareness for the issue of pet theft and educate the public on how best to protect their companion animals from the hands of unscrupulous thieves, National Pet Theft Awareness Day (PTAD) is observed annually on Valentine's Daya day that often sees a considerable spike in pet thefts.

Why does pet theft occur?

Pet thefts generally occur for one primary reason: money. "Dog flipping," one of the most common reasons for pet theft, occurs when dogs are stolen for the purpose of being sold for profit. The stolen dogs are typically resold to unsuspecting new owners, to puppy mills, or to backyard breeders to become breeding machines. Dognappers also target dogs so that they can be used as bait or as fighters in illegal dogfighting rings.

All it takes is a few seconds for your beloved pet to be stolen, dragged off your front porch or snatched from your yard. In fact, in the time it takes you to read this sentence, someone could have stolen your pet!

Which dogs are most at risk?

Dog breeds that are most at risk of being stolen are purebred dogsespecially toy breeds like a Maltese, Chihuahua, or Yorkshire Terrier (which is the most stolen dog breed in the United States). Designer breeds like Puggles (a cross between a pug and a beagle) are also common targets because they are worth thousands of dollars. Of course, this doesn't mean a mutt is not at risk of being stolen. Regardless of pedigree, dogs that are left unsupervised have a very high chance of being taken.

How can you protect your pets?

Thankfully, there are simple ways you can help protect your pet from being stolen:

  • Never leave your pets unsupervised.
  • Properly identify your pets with a collar, tag, and microchip.
  • Spay and neuter your pets.
  • Keep up-to-date information on your pet (recent photo and description).
  • Always be aware of your surroundings.

What should you do if your pet is stolen or goes missing?

  • Immediately call the police and file a report so there is a record of the theft.
  • Contact your local animal control department, shelters, and pounds to see if they have your pet. You can also file a lost pet report with each shelter.
  • Canvass your neighborhood and put up "missing" flyers with an up-to-date photo of your dog along with accurate contact information.
  • Search online "lost" dog sites (such as Craigslist or Center for Lost Pets) to see if someone has found your pet.
  • Be aware of scams! People may claim to have found your pet only to recover the reward money. If a stranger calls saying they've found your missing pet, make sure they return your pet to you before giving them a reward.


For more information on pet theft and Pet Theft Awareness Day please visit


Photo: Unsplash


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LCA's PSA "Casa de Carne" Wins First Place at Animal Film Festival

Feb.11.19The 6th Annual Animal Film Festival (AFF) was held this past weekend at The Center for the Arts in Grass Valley, CA. With a mission of raising awareness for the issues animals around the world commonly face, the AFF showcased a myriad of feature films, documentaries, and short films that explored a wide range of animal welfare topics, including animals used in entertainment, factory farming, and animal testing.

LCA's PSA Casa de Carne premiered at the 2019 AFF, which was hosted in partnership with the Tarshis Foundation, and won the first place award from the Tarshis Short Film Awards for "successfully, creatively, and convincingly highlight[ing] the issues of animal suffering," and for "provid[ing] messages that influence people to pursue a more plant-based lifestyle."

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5 Tips to Protect Your Pet from Being Stolen

2.7.19Observed annually on February 14 — a day that sees a noticeable uptick in pet thefts — Pet Theft Awareness Day is now only a week away, and there's no better way to prepare than by learning how you can protect your pet from being stolen!

All it takes is a few seconds for your dog or cat to be taken — snatched from your yard or dragged off of your front porch. In fact, in the time it takes you to read this sentence, someone could have stolen your pet!

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5 Reasons to Ditch Dairy Now

2.6.19In an attempt to make up for declining milk sales, the dairy industry has relaunched a social media campaign aimed at highlighting the benefits of milk and promoting products derived from cows in a more positive way.

Needless to say, the campaign, dubbed "Februdairy," has backfired.

The accelerating disapproval of the milk industry coupled with the ever-expanding non-dairy market has left dairy producers worried and desperate.

The reality is, consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the abhorrent cruelty prevalent in the animal agriculture industry and are ditching milk products in favor of cruelty-free, plant-based alternatives like soy and coconut milk.

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Year of the Pig: 5 Amazing Facts about Pigs

2.4.19February 5, 2019 marks the start of the Chinese New Year, also known as the Lunar New Year. Each year, this annual celebration — which occurs between January 21 and February 20 in conjunction with the cycles of the moon — is represented by one of 12 animals based on the Chinese Zodiac.

While last year marked the year of the Dog, 2019 is the Pig — the last Zodiac animal listed in the Chinese lunar calendar, which represents happiness, honesty, and good fortune. While unfavorable characteristics are generally associated with pigs, such as dirtiness or laziness, nothing could be further from the truth! Keep reading to learn of five amazing facts you didn't know about pigs!

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